The history of Vietnam has been documented from the 3rd century BC. And the most part of all the history of the country is associated with the struggle for freedom and independence, first of all from Chinese domination and then from French colonization. The very recent history of Vietnam ended with Vietnamese guerrilla war against the United States and the South and the North of Vietnam uniting. These parts followed different development paths before the Vietnam War and after liberation from the French (the North Vietnam was on the socialist path, and the South - on the capitalistic). Nowadays, Vietnam is a Socialist Republic.
All of you have probably heard about the horrors of the Vietnam War, and many people (unfortunately) think that someone is still fighting in Vietnam. But that's not true. For 40 years, Vietnam haven't been involved in any military operations and develops peacefully and quickly. If you're interested in Vietnamese history, related to the Vietnam War, read our article.
Vietnamese women are known for their strong character. Modern Vietnamese women can be the head of the family and own their own business. And this is not a breath of time, but a historical heritage, because in difficult times, Vietnamese women showed real heroism and led people into battle. The most famous Vietnamese women, who are forever in the history of the country, are the Trung sisters. These legendary warriors were able to gather around them a whole liberation army!
What is Viet Cong, how did it fight the enemy, why it ceased to exist, how do people in Vietnam and in the world remember it. Our historical article explores it all, among other topics.
Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh is not only revered in his country, but also known throughout the world. And, if you are going to Vietnam and you are interested in the history of this country, then you will certainly be interested in reading our brief article about the biography of Ho Chi Minh.
Like other Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam became a European colony in the 19th century. The first war was started by the French colonizers to subdue Vietnam in 1857, and the Vietnamese were able to get rid of the control of France only at the end of the Second World War.
Every Vietnamese knows Ba Trieu. Many streets in different cities are named after this national heroine, who rose up against the Chinese invaders in the 3rd century AD. She was only 19 years old when she was beating the Chinese. The name of lady Trieu is covered with legends.
In the 60s of the XX century, an event occurred in Vietnam that became known to people all over the world: a Buddhist monk committed a self-immolation in a square in Saigon. He opposed discrimination against Buddhism by the ruling regime and called for the equality of all religions.
Four Chinese conquests of Vietnam and almost a thousand years of Chinese domination over Vietnamese territories could not but affect Vietnam. The Vietnamese still dislike the Chinese, although the last Chinese invasion dates back to the 15th century.